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aurora-village - homes for sale [47]
160 Wellington St E #202
15375 Yonge St
56 Machell Ave
28 Valhalla Crt
111 Edward St
15277 Yonge St N #315
232 Milestone Cres
44 Burgon Pl
38 Mark St
160 Wellington St E #210
140 Temperance St
300 Alex Gardner Circ #56
130 St. John's Sdrd E
69 Moorcrest Dr #Bmst
71 Victoria St
11 Raiford St
29 Connaught Ave
264 Murray Dr #Bsmnt A
15277 Yonge St #406
100 Kennedy St W
72 Centre St #Upper
111 Hillview Rd
5 Harriman Rd
23 Irwin Ave
15277 Yonge St #506
89 Batson Dr #LOWER
15086 Yonge St #221
15086 Yonge St #211
74 Temperance St
15086 Yonge St #112
12 Royal Rd #Bsmt
264 Murray Dr #Bs,mt B
17 Wellington St E #Back
25 Spruce St
15160 Yonge St #302
198 Kennedy St W
109 Kennedy St W
16 Springfair Ave N #193
160 Wellington St E #303
600 Alex Gardner Circ #110
131 Milestone Cres
15037 Yonge St
15004 Yonge St
211 Kennedy St W
600 Alex Gardner Circ #109
198 Kennedy St W
aurora-village - homes sold [1256]
15277 Yonge St #306
400 Alex Gardner Circ #65
15277 Yonge St #416
15277 Yonge St #501
216 Milestone Cres
526 Tara Hill Circ
12 Loring Doolittle Crt
300 Alex Gardner Circ #48
300 Alex Gardner Circ #54
64 Wells St #303
205 Milestone Cres
15277 Yonge St #302
160 Wellington St E #517
300 Alex Gardner Circ #41
15277 Yonge St #419
200 Alex Gardner Circ #38
15277 Yonge St #605
203 Milestone Cres #69
500 Alex Gardner Circ #89
160 Wellington St E #314
600 Alex Gardner Circ #124
300 Alex Gardner Circ #53
155 Milestone Cres
85 Wellington St W #215
64 Wells St #202
15277 Yonge St S #609
400 Alex Gardner Circ #65
400 Alex Gardner Circ #78
137 Milestone Cres
526 Tara Hill Circ
64 Wells St #303
600 Alex Gardner Circ #117
15277 Yonge St #602B
56 Springfair Ave
300 Alex Gardner Circ #44
600 Alex Gardner Circ #110
15277 Yonge St #508
36 Machell Ave #102
36 Machell Ave #403
36 Machell Ave #301
400 Alex Gardner Circ #65
500 Alex Gardner Circ #105
400 Alex Gardner Circ #81
76 Springfair Ave
21 George St #304
15277 Yonge St #302
400 Alex Gardner Circ #74
600 Alex Gardner Circ #113
160 Wellington St E #308
160 Milestone Cres
15277 Yonge St #Ph 705
15277 Yonge St #415
526 Tara Hill Circ
142 Milestone Cres
300 Alex Gardner Circ
500 Alex Gardner Circ #101
500 Alex Gardner Circ #105
400 Alex Gardner Circ #65
160 Wellington St E #510
21 George St #304
15277 Yonge St #604B
85 Wellington St #110
600 Alex Gardner Circ #109
500 Alex Gardner Circ #101
400 Alex Gardner Circ #84
15277 Yonge St #218
160 Wellington St E #308
15277 Yonge St #607
160 Wellington St E #305
213 Milestone Cres
64 Wells St #106
15277 Yonge St #501
160 Wellington St E #501
15277 Yonge St #612
511 Tara Hill Circ
15277 Yonge St #306
15277 Yonge St #415
15277 Yonge St #411
56 Springfair Ave
160 Wellington St E #315
111 Civic Square Gate #419
246 Milestone Cres S #L4G3M2
15277 Yonge St #602B
400 Alex Gardner Circ #84
15277 Yonge St #305
160 Wellington St E #308
400 Alex Gardner Circ #74
539 Tara Hill Circ N
15277 Yonge St #601
15277 Yonge St #607
15277 Yonge St N #505
300 Alex Gardner Circ #61
298 Milestone Cres
15277 Yonge St #501
15277 Yonge St #602B
64 Wells St #106
100 Alex Gardner Circ #6
15277 Yonge St #201
160 Wellington St E #315
160 Wellington St E #304
85 Wellington St W #310
300 Alex Gardner Circ #44
15277 Yonge St #308B
193 Milestone Cres
246 Milestone Cres
15277 Yonge St #402
160 Wellington St E #501
500 Alex Gardner Circ #89
18 Springfair Ave
15277 Yonge St #416
15277 Yonge St #612
64 Wells St #101
500 Alex Gardner Circ #102
15277 Yonge St #306
600 Alex Gardner Circ #119
15277 Yonge St #408A
500 Alex Gardner Circ #101
15277 Yonge St #Ph709
15277 Yonge St #512
15277 Yonge St #411
160 Wellington St E #309
400 Alex Gardner Circ #72
193 Milestone Cres
64 Wells St #106
205 Milestone Cres
300 Alex Gardner Circ #59
300 Alex Gardner Circ #57
15390 Yonge St #404
238 Milestone Cres
555 Tara Hill Circ
160 Wellington St E #304
532 Tara Hill Circ
85 Wellington St W #401
15277 Yonge St #303
15390 Yonge St #401
15277 Yonge St #218
160 Wellington St E #409
254 Milestone Cres
76 Springfair Ave
311 Milestone Cres #146
144 Milestone Cres
100 Alex Gardner Circ #8
15277 Yonge St #309
216 Milestone Cres
15277 Yonge St #601
100 Alex Gardner Circ S #13
298 Milestone Cres
200 Alex Gardner Circ #37
511 Tara Hill Circ
246 Milestone Cres
215 Milestone Cres #75
160 Wellington St E #413
85 Wellington St W #313
50 Springfair Ave
160 Wellington St E #205
160 Wellington St E #302
15390 Yonge St #202
64 Wells St #107
400 Alex Gardner Circ #79
85 Wellington St W #405
231 Milestone Cres
15277 Yonge St #710
400 Alex Gardner Circ #86
85 Wellington St W #205
160 Wellington St E #310
15390 Yonge St #402
64 Wells St #406
210 O'hara Dr
21 George St #204
100 Alex Gardner Circ #12
15277 Yonge St #303
74 Springfair Ave #165
85 Wellington St W #207
200 O'hara Dr S
15277 Yonge St #417
85 Wellington St W #212
317 Milestone Cres
249 Milestone Cres
123 Milestone Cres
21 George St #205
85 Wellington St W #103
15277 Yonge St #201
72 Springfair Ave
507 Tara Hill Circ
21 George St #106
15277 Yonge St #609
12 Loring Doolittle Crt
100 Alex Gardner Circ #7
68 Springfair Ave
15277 Yonge St #415
15277 Yonge St #319
160 Milestone Cres
64 Wells St #203
15277 Yonge St #418
307 Milestone Cres
211 Milestone Cres
229 Milestone Cres #84
15277 Yonge St #408A
220 Milestone Cres
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