Please submit any offers to and a 24 hour irrevocable as instructed by seller. Buyers and Their agents to verify all measurements and taxes. Showings between the hours of 3pm to 9pm. Thank You
Sale/Lease History of 147 Julia Crescent
View all past sales, leases, and listings of the property at 147 Julia Crescent.
Schools, amenities, travel times, and market trends near 147 Julia Crescent
4 public & 4 Catholic schools serve this home. Of these, 8 have catchments. There is 1 private school nearby.
Parks & Rec
4 playgrounds, 2 basketball courts and 5 other facilities are within a 20 min walk of this home.
View the highest and lowest priced active homes, recent sales on the same street and postal code as 147 Julia Crescent, and upcoming open houses this weekend.