1072 AVIGNON Crt
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1072 AVIGNON Crt

2003 - Orleans Wood, Orleans - Convent Glen and Area, Ottawa, K1C 2R2

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Fenced Yard
Public Transit

Att/Row/Twnhouse | 2-Storey 20 days ago
3   4   2000-2500 sqft   25 Photos
6 km away
Same Beds $149,100 Higher-priced 1 more baths Smaller lot
Detached | 2-Storey Sold Conditionally
3   3    35 Photos
1 km away
Same Beds $200,000 Higher-priced Same baths Bigger lot
Link | 2-Storey 7 days ago
3   3    37 Photos
1 km away
Same Beds $209,100 Higher-priced Same baths Bigger lot

Att/Row/Twnhouse | 2-Storey Sold 1 mth. ago
3   3   1500-2000 sqft   31 Photos
2 km away
Same Beds $39,100 Higher-priced Same baths Bigger lot
Semi-Detached | 2-Storey Sold 1 mth. ago
3   2    21 Photos
1 km away
Same Beds $96,100 Higher-priced 1 less baths Smaller lot
Semi-Detached | Bungalow Sold 3 mth. ago
3   0    30 Photos
1 km away
Same Beds $140,000 Higher-priced 3 less baths Bigger lot
* Data is provided courtesy of TRREB (Toronto Regional Real-estate Board)