Building lot in downtown Kerwood. This lot features: sewer at road, gas, and hydro at road. Build your home in a very quiet neighborhood of Kerwood. This lot is 49' x 122' and is available for immediate possession.
Sale/Lease History of 27748 Kerwood Rd
View all past sales, leases, and listings of the property at 27748 Kerwood Rd.
Schools, amenities, travel times, and market trends near 27748 Kerwood Rd
5 public & 5 Catholic schools serve this home. Of these, 9 have catchments.
Parks & Rec
3 ball diamonds, 3 tennis courts and 6 other facilities are within a 20 min walk of this home.
View the highest and lowest priced active homes, recent sales on the same street and postal code as 27748 Kerwood Rd, and upcoming open houses this weekend.