Over 80 Acres on the NW corner of Maki Rd and Sixth Line W Ext. This bush lot has a stream and small pond created by a beaver damn. Easy access straight down Maki Rd into to town.
Sale/Lease History of 2006 Sixth Line W Ext Line
View all past sales, leases, and listings of the property at 2006 Sixth Line W Ext Line.
Schools, amenities, travel times, and market trends near 2006 Sixth Line W Ext Line
4 public & 4 Catholic schools serve this home. Of these, 8 have catchments. There is 1 private school nearby.
Parks & Rec
3 golf courses, 2 driving ranges and 1 other facilities are found in major parks near this home.
Average sold price for Detached, Semi-Detached, Condo, Townhomes in
Insights for 2006 Sixth Line W Ext Line
View the highest and lowest priced active homes, recent sales on the same street and postal code as 2006 Sixth Line W Ext Line, and upcoming open houses this weekend.