This Open-Concept Upgraded Basement Offers 2-Bedroom, 1-Bathroom, Large Family/Eating Area, Full-Size Kitchen, Separate Laundry, Separate Entrance And 1-Designated Parking Space. All-Inclusive Hassle-Free Rental Option Are Also Available.
Property Features
Fenced Yard
Public Transit
Sale/Lease History of #Lower - 2 Irwin Place
View all past sales, leases, and listings of the property at #Lower - 2 Irwin Place.
Schools, amenities, travel times, and market trends near #Lower - 2 Irwin Place
4 public & 4 Catholic schools serve this home. Of these, 8 have catchments. There is 1 private school nearby.
Parks & Rec
3 playgrounds, 3 pools and 10 other facilities are within a 20 min walk of this home.
View the highest and lowest priced active homes, recent sales on the same street and postal code as #Lower - 2 Irwin Place, and upcoming open houses this weekend.