15450 Yonge St
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15450 Yonge St #402

Aurora Heights, Aurora, York, L4G 0K1

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Condo Townhouse | Stacked Townhouse 43 days ago
2   3   900-999 sqft   16 Photos
1 km away
Same Beds Same Price 2 more baths Less Maint.
Condo Townhouse | 3-Storey 62 days ago
2   3   900-999 sqft   16 Photos
1 km away
Same Beds $200 Higher-priced 2 more baths Less Maint.
Condo Townhouse | Stacked Townhouse 56 days ago
2   3   900-999 sqft   34 Photos
1 km away
Same Beds $250 Higher-priced 2 more baths Less Maint.

Condo Apt | Apartment Leased 3 mth. ago
2   2   900-999 sqft   32 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $400 Higher-priced 1 more baths Less Maint.
Condo Townhouse | Stacked Townhse Leased 2 mth. ago
2   3   900-999 sqft   18 Photos
1 km away
Same Beds $500 Higher-priced 2 more baths Less Maint.
* Data is provided courtesy of TRREB (Toronto Regional Real-estate Board)