#1209 - 1435 Celebration Drive, Pickering, ON L1W 0C4
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#1209 - 1435 Celebration Drive

Bay Ridges, Pickering, Durham, L1W 0C4

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Local rules require you to be signed in to see this listing details.

Condo Apt | Apartment 29 days ago
1   1   500-599 sqft   50 Photos
Same building
Same Beds Same Price Same baths Less Maint.
Comm Element Condo | Apartment 37 days ago
1   1   500-599 sqft 
Same building
Same Beds Same Price Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment 30 days ago
1   1   500-599 sqft   17 Photos
Same building
Same Beds Same Price Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment 21 days ago
1   1   500-599 sqft   30 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $50 Higher-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment 20 days ago
1   1   500-599 sqft   14 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $50 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment 10 days ago
1   1   500-599 sqft   21 Photos
1 km away
Same Beds $50 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment 15 days ago
1   1   500-599 sqft   23 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $50 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment 23 days ago
1   1   500-599 sqft   14 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $50 Higher-priced Same baths Less Maint.

Condo Apt | Apartment Leased 9 days ago
1   1   600-699 sqft   12 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $50 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment Leased 18 days ago
1   1   500-599 sqft   13 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $50 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment Leased 10 days ago
1   1   600-699 sqft   13 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $50 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment Leased 2 days ago
1   1   500-599 sqft   28 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $50 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment Leased 1 mth. ago
1   1   500-599 sqft   32 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $50 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment Leased 18 days ago
1   1   600-699 sqft 
Same building
Same Beds $75 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment Leased 7 days ago
1   1   600-699 sqft   12 Photos
Same building
Same Beds $75 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
Condo Apt | Apartment Leased 24 days ago
1   1   600-699 sqft 
Same building
Same Beds $75 Lower-priced Same baths Less Maint.
* Data is provided courtesy of TRREB (Toronto Regional Real-estate Board)